Saturday, 13 November 2010

Mt. Takao

Went up Mt. Takao for a bit of fresh air. Takes about half an hour on the train - luckily we're fairly near to it.

We were lazy and didn't do the main hiking part which is stupidly steep. There's a cable car/cable ski lift thing which can take you up 2/3 of the way so we opted for that. Once you get that far up it's basically a nice walk to the top.

There's a smattering of autumn leaves about but I think we were a bit too early. The adverts on trains have a lot more of it on show...


  1. Is mt takao in Tokyo. The trees look nice. Do you have any more photos? Dad

  2. Yeah it's in Tokyo technically. I've got a couple more. I'll send them.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Ooh, nice one, i went up there too! :)
    Was very nice. I think it was the beginning of Autumn for us that time, but was quite a nice bright day. We walked the whole way up, which was quite hard work in places.
    Yup, just checked. Bits of autumn colout, but not as vibrant as it is now! Looks very nice;

    Did you get a look at Fuji? I think it was too hazy on our day.

    Looks like a nice day out :)

  5. Looks good. Was reading about it and you can also take a bus from there to nearby onsen (hot spring). Some good pics on here - the autumn colour report
