Christmas came and went in Japan. Stores had the music, the decorations and the cheap Christmas tat but when the actual day came, Tokyo seemed exactly the same as any other day. I didn't do much because my partner-in-crime was ill. Got some nice presents though.
The New Year was pretty much the opposite. There wasn't much build-up to it but on New Years Eve the shops had been hit by a housewife tornado. The next day, Tokyo looked like some post-apocalyptic ruin. Nothing was open. I celebrated by going to bed at 9pm. Hardcore.
The picture above is from the Christmas party which the Hirabayashis held. Very nice food and we were all dozing off afterwards watching England on the TV. Mark bought After Eights to make sure it was like a proper Christmas :)
I'm partially back to Meiji Uni next week. Business classes only. Far too much work.
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